Tuesday, February 8, 2011

5th and 6th February 2011

After a back to school and work week it was very much a back to routine weekend. Lots of catching up on household chores.

Finn was keen to show us the ramp he skateboarded on at holiday program, and the hill they rode the billycart down.

All three ipod touches in the house got a good workout over the weekend, lots of apps tried out and photo effects explored. Fun.

I cooked a gorgeous meal, I must say. The boys didn't have to act so surprised. :-)


  1. This is a great idea too, you guys keep very busy!! - boy we do love our weekends!! Cool photo on the skateboard. btw - what do you do your layouts in?

  2. Hey thanks Ange. I use Photoshop Elements 6 and I've just starting doing some photo processing in Lightroom.
