Friday, July 29, 2011

Birthday weekend

Soccer was moved to Cygnet and then cancelled. It was disappointing because it was such a lovely weekend of weather. Still, we had plenty to be going on with.

Mark had to help set up the Hurdy Gurdy for the Cub's 95th Anniversary Field Day. Finn and I left him to it and went off to the Museum (TMAG) and saw some great things in the 2011 City of Hobart Art Prize Wood and Paper exhibition. We had lunch at the Courtyard Cafe - lovely Moroccan Lamb Pie.

The Hurdy Gurdy looked fun, pity I was too big to have a go, and then Finn made a little wooden car at the next station. Before we knew it it was 2pm and time to head off to Toby's house.

The baby boy is a big 3 now! He got some super garbage trucks and was happy to demonstrate it all to his friends. There was lots of yummy food for all and a delicious truck cake. Finn got to meet the rabbits - I'm not sure who was more nervous when he got to have a little hold.

The rest of the weekend was full of games and giggles as Finn enjoyed having Sam to visit.

Word art and party hats from One Little Bird (Peppermint Granberg) - Jubilee : Party On! add-on

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The crisp weekend

A very crisp weekend with frosty mornings and clear days. Great for soccer and gardening.

Finn's and Nick's teams played each other again so all the family turned out to watch. Finn was really on fire during the first half - really getting stuck into the play. He went into goal in the second half and had a good crack at that too. Few of the boys enjoy going in goals but they all have to have a turn and Finn did it with good grace and tried his very best. We were very proud of him.

Mark harvested the last of the rocoto chillies and started rearranging the garden beds in the veggie patch. Mark's workmates have been cooking up a storm with the fruit this year and keeping us supplied with samples of all their different sauces - most too hot for me, but Tony's sweet chilli is to die for.

Monday, July 4, 2011


The washing machine repair man found this little red sock. It reminded us that we had the washer since before Finn was born. A sad farewell to a faithful servant.

Sunday, July 3, 2011